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Great Blawg Reviews

For those of you still just discovering Google for the first time, Blawg Review is a traveling synopsis of all that has gone on in the world of law blogging during the immediately preceding week. Law bloggers take turns hosting Blawg Review on their own law blogs to ensure consistently fresh insight.

Often the reviews are quite good; sometimes they are terrific. This week is one of those times. Cyberlaw Central is hosting a Hobbit-themed Blawg Review, complete with spectacular artwork. As I not only have cybergeek friends, but many vertically challenged friends as well, I thought this particularly well written post would be of great interest to my readers. In addition to posting some incredible Hobbit related artwork, author Kevin Thompson also discusses the controversy surrounding one attorney’s misguided attempt to trademark the generic term CyberLaw for his exclusive use. Like me, Kevin has a personal interest in the matter:

I aim to monitor the situation for my own personal reasons as another blogger with “Cyberlaw” in my blog title, and one who will defend vigorously my right to use the highly descriptive, if not generic term, in the highly descriptive if not generic sense of identifying the general topic area covered by my writings. Stay tuned!

Next week, the award-winning What About Clients? will be hosting Blawg Review.

Two weeks later will be yours truly with another esoteric Blawg Review, themed on an as yet undecided topic guaranteed to again leave you scratching your head. In any event, it appears I will have some pretty big shoes to fill.

Be sure to leave a comment or drop me a line if you run across anything you think might be a good fit for my Blawg Review. Or better yet, write something amazing yourself and send me a link!

Brett Trout

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