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Lockergnome goes retro

Few people know that the greatest online personality in the known universe got his start in Des Moines, Iowa. I am proud to say I knew Chris Pirillo way back when, and actually wrote for one of Jake Ludington’s Lockergnome newsletters.

Gnomies and not-yet-Gnomies alike will be pleased to know Chris Pirillo is going retro with his new “Pirillo’s Picks” email newsletter. Pirillo’s Picks is Chris’s daily list o’ links discovered in his digital travels. For those of you old enough to remember, this is much like the Lockergnome newsletter of 1996 – easy to read and lots of useful/fun stuff.

If you try it and none of the links pique your interest within a week, you are most definitely on the far end of the personality spectrum (decide for yourself in which direction). My guess is that every day, at least one of the links, will surprise/entertain/help/teach you.

If you want to subscribe to the new newsletter, or if you just want to submit a fantastic link, email Chris at If you prefer a live feed, visit here. If you love it, be sure to let me know. If you hate it, be sure to let Rush know (just do not tell him I sent you the link to his email address).

Brett Trout

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