Brett Trout has just been named Chair of the Polk County Bar Association Special Projects Committee. The Committee is in charge of launching the new PCBA website. The new website will have new and improved navigation and over twice the content of the old website. With the bulk of the project finalized, the PCBA is now looking to expand its online offerings even more. Anyone with content for the new website, or wishing to help by updating content in the areas of Attorney Resources, Public Resources, Polk County Courthouse resources or any other legal area that may be of interest to Polk County residents or attorneys, should contact Brett Trout, Chair of the Special Projects committee.
Brett Trout is looking for dozens of PCBA website content providers, from simple Courthouse histories to ongoing jury verdict analysis. Whether one is interested in writing a little or a lot, one time, or on an ongoing basis, the new PCBA website is the forum for such talents. Help us out if you can, and pass this along to other burgeoning legal writers you think might be interested in this new project. Anyone interested can contact the PCBA or contact Brett Trout directly at Finally, there is a forum to showcase your abilities. Do not pass it up! The Web site address is
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