Familiarize yourself with generative AI
Understand the risks and benefits of AI
Read the Terms of Service for the AI platform(s) you intend to use
Contact an attorney to create an AI Acceptable Use Policy for your company
Ensure all employees who will be using AI and/or the output of AI read and understand the Acceptable Use Policy, Licenses, and the Terms and Conditions associated with their intended use of a particular AI platform
Use AI to increase productivity
Have concrete goals in mind and adapt AI usage toward those goals
Ensure every employee accessing the AI platform(s) has individually trackable login credentials
Monitor productivity gains and adjust employee incentives based on the increased productivity
Learn the types of modifications of AI output necessary to claim ownership rights in the modified result
Employ systems and procedures for documenting protectable copyrightable material added to AI-generated material employ systems and procedures for protecting AI-generated trade secret information
Understand all regulations and policies governing your intended generation and use of AI output
Create synthetic AI output designed to misrepresent factual information
Use third-party content without a legal right or written authorization
Circumvent third-party policies or security features when generating or using AI
Create sexually suggestive or explicit content
Assume you own any intellectual property rights in unmodified AI output
Use AI outside the limits of your particular AI license
Generate AI output that violates the intellectual property rights of third-parties
Generate AI output that violates the privacy or publicity rights of third-parties
Build tools attractive to children under 13 years of age
Collect data from children under 13 years of age
Use AI to violate the law
Publish AI output without a human review of the AI output for policy compliance
Use AI to advise third parties on specific legal, financial, or medical matters.
Make automated decisions based on AI output that affect a third-party’s safety, security, legal status, credit, employment, housing, financial condition, critical infrastructure, essential services, or contractual relations
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