I have just been informed that I apparently I am K-countingly challenged. The winner of the CyberLaw contest is not Rob Glazebrook, of CSSnewbie, but instead Kurt W of Nuke1.net who was the first to leave a comment with 7 "k"s. Here is Kurt’s comment:
OK, I understand I am supposed to leave a comment here, and seeing this on twitter, makes it double-exciting, especially out of the mouth of Chris Pirillo, oh well, i need more kick backs like a free book.
Now, since it was my mistake, and since I know Rob has already cleared off a space on his shelf, I would sooner shoot Old Yeller than tell Rob he was not getting a copy. Therefore, both Kurt and Rob will receive copies, (as soon as you let me know where to send them).
Congratulations to Kurt and Rob and thanks to the little bird. You all make this blog great!
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