When I first started writing my patent law blog in 2003, there were maybe only one or two other blogs writing about patents. I know, it sounds crazy. Patent attorneys are the epitome of sex appeal. There had to thousands of bloggers fawning over patents and the like. I still have not figured it out. Thankfully, five years and five hundred posts later, hundreds of blogs are covering patents and various patent related issues. Many have come, many have gone. There are lots of blogrolls out there, but almost all include non-patent related blogs or patent blogs which have not been updated for months. So thinking the same thing you are obviously thinking, “If only I could have a link to all the important patent law blogs in one place” I started compiling a list of patent law blogs. Admittedly, I do not get out much. Well, fellow fans of all things Josh Weaton, the list is complete. What follows is my definitive patent meme. Definitive, of course until you kindly instruct me in colorful explicatives that no such list can possibly be complete sans your flatulence odor control patents blog. If I missed your favorite patent blog, or you would like to complain about one I included, feel free to leave a pithy comment. And now, without further ado, the p-meme:
Maryland Intellectual Property Law Blog
Promote the Progress Securing Innovation
Washington State Patent Law Blog
Let me know what you think! Brett Trout
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