Recently, I published a post covering Inventor’s Digest offering a free booklet of compiling the Digest’s best advice for inventors. As a blogging patent lawyer, I found myself perusing ip-updates blog and ran across the following selection from the Inventor’s Digest booklet entitled Ten commandments of individual inventors.
1. Stay away from invention marketing companies that advertise on radio and late night TV.
2. Keep good records about your idea . . . some day they may be the back up you need to prove YOUR idea is YOURS!
3. Do your own patent search.
4. Build a model.
5. Have your invention evaluated by a non-biased professional (even if your MomÂ?s in the business, go to someone else!)
6. Read all you can about new product development.
7. Network with other inventors. Join a local inventors’ organization.
8. If your patent search looked promising (see #3), make an appointment with a patent attorney.
9. Do what you do well and hire pros to do the rest.
10. Don’?t fall in love with your invention but if you’re really sure you’ve got a winner(see #5), hang in there!
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