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Apple Found Liable For Patent Infringement to The Tune of $625 million

Last Friday, a Tyler Texas jury found Apple liable for infringing three patents, awarding the patent owner, Mirror World, $208.5 million for each violation. Mirror World’s patents cover document streaming technology for organizing and displaying information and two document stream operating systems. Mirror World had alleged infringement of its patents by three of Apple’s technologies. The technologies at issue were Cover Flow, a system that allows iTunes users to visually search by album cover art, Spotlight, a system-wide desktop search feature, and Time Machine, a system backup technology. On Sunday, Apple filed an emergency motion to stay enforcement of the judgment, arguing Mirror World was “triple-dipping” damages and that two of the patents at issue were not infringed. As it stands, the award is one of the largest patent infringement verdicts in United States history.

Brett Trout

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