Tomorrow, June 19th, I will be three presentations to the Iowa State Bar Association at its Annual Meeting here in Des Moines. The talks will be from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. at the Downtown Des Moines Marriott and are open to all attendees of the Annual Meeting.
Ostensibly waxing philosophic on all matter intellectual property and information technology, I will at least attempt to cover The Top 10 Things That Can Shut Down Your Client’s Website and Who Own’s Your Client’s Website as well as Patents, Trademarks and Copyrights. The focus of the talks will be the Black Swans of intellectual property. The term Black Swans is taken from Nassim Taleb’s book of the same name, and refers to those highly improbable events with the ability to completely decimate a business. Being able to identify general intellectual property and CyberLaw considerations goes a long way toward getting a handle on knowing what you don’t know. More importantly it helps increase your nimbleness and savvy in addressing Black Swans when they arrive at your client’s doorstep.
As I will be giving the speech during what constitutes the middle of the night for most of my Twitter friends I do not expect to see most of them tomorrow. For any of the rest of you looking to substitute a actual jog for a more cerebral version, I look forward to seeing you there.
Brett Trout
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