While 1976 still holds the record for patents that would actually shock the frightened turtle right out of you, 2007 has had some interesting contenders. Niro foil, Patent Troll Tracker, has just posted the top ten silly patents of the year. Included in the list are ways for keeping teddy bears hot in the winter and snowmen cool in the summer.
One of my favorites is the method for detecting emotion in the human voice when they leave a voice mail. For the people who call me, I just call it caller ID, but I guess it could be useful for those with friends having more mercurial emotions. The list is certainly worth checking out, if for no other reason than for the patents decorum prevents me from listing.
While Mr. Tracker’s list of patents is rather comprehensive, I do not think any list can be complete without the inclusion of the Glenn Quagmire edition Comfortaire bed. You can check it out here. Just bear in mind, there are only five shopping days left until Christmas.
funny patents patents troll tracker
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