I am a patent attorney, but the ramblings to your left are not legal advice. Peculiarities of the law, the facts, the client and the lawyer (mostly), make every case unique. If you feel this blog speaks to you, you must seek professional help (heck, why not talk to a patent lawyer while you are at it).
If you see something you like, join in the conversation. The chance I might be wrong is merely theoretical at this point, but feel free to point out any monkeys you see waxing Bard-like in my posts. I am too old to admit a mistake, but I will enjoy the discussion. No information you send me or post is confidential. By posting or sending anything to me, you authorize me to use it for ANY purpose I desire, including, but not limited to, folding origami ballerinas for my Nutcracker diorama.
If the postings are not placating your Internet law jones, check out my book Cyber Law or check out Lawpportunities. You can also visit my Iowa Patent Lawyer website or stop by our offices at 516 Walnut, Des Moines, Iowa.
Since 2003
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