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10,000th Reader Gets a Free Book

In celebration of my stat counter hitting 10,000 sometime this week, I would like to award a copy of my book to the 10,000th reader. Granted, I have only had my stat counter up for less than a year, so I really do not know how many people have visited my blog since 2003, but play along with me. Here is the deal. The first person to submit a comment to this post AFTER, the stat counter hits 9,999, will win a free copy of Internet Laws Affecting Your Company delivered right to your doorstep.

While not a substitute for the advice of an attorney, Internet Laws Affecting Your Company brings you up to speed on the relevant issues before you speak with your attorney, helping you to ask the right questions and making every billable hour more productive. For attorneys, Internet Laws Affecting Your Company serves as a handy desk reference, helping you to identify issues and speeding your research. If you absolutely cannot wait, or if you are the unfortunate 10,000st reader since last Fall, you can pick up a copy from Amazon by clicking on the above picture. Don’t Miss Out.

Brett Trout

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Posted in Internet Law.