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Internet Law Desk Reference

The Problem of Complexity
Doing business online can be as difficult as it is lucrative. Hiring the website developer, tracking orders, updating changes, ensuring supply, collecting money, etc. all require time and planning. One thing companies often overlook is the legal ramifications of online business. While most business owners have a sense of what it takes to build a website and fulfill orders, they are also intimidated by the complexity of internet law and regulation. Rather than find out what they need to do, they bury their collective heads in the sand and ignore the problem. By the time a problem arises, it is often too late to do anything about it.

Longest Journey Starts With the First Step
The complexity of internet law intimidates many online businesses. They figure “If I can’t learn it all, why learn any of it?” Even if you knew everything there was to know about Internet Law (which no one does), your warehouse of knowledge would be outdated immediately. You can hardly blame business owners, faced with such a Sisyphean task, for tumbling blindly forward. I mean, “What good is a little knowledge?” Quite a bit as it turns out. Just being able to spot the issues can reap huge rewards.

Where Do I Start?
CyberLaw: A Legal Arsenal For Online Business is a great place to start. Its nineteen chapters cover everything from legal issues surrounding employee use of e-mail, to document retention policies, to the top ten legal oversights that can shut down your Website. It even includes forms and an index to use it as a handy desk reference. Often companies do not realize the importance of understanding the law of the internet until they get sued. By that time, the cost to extricate themselves from the lawsuit and get back on track may be more than the company is worth.

Understanding the Basics
Following the legal path is typically not much more expensive than following the lawsuit path, especially when you add in the crippling costs of the lawsuit itself. Without knowledge of which path you are on however, the difference between the paths may only become apparent when a judge shuts down your company. That is where Cyberlaw can help. What are patents, trademarks and copyrights? And how can they help or hinder my business? Written in layman’s terms, Cyberlaw helps you identify potential problem areas. Cyberlaw is not legal advice, you still need your lawyer for that, but it is legal information, which allows you to identify problems more quickly, and ask your lawyer the right questions.

Spot the Issues
“CyberLaw: A Legal Arsenal For Online Business” will not turn you into a cyberlawyer and, while it may eliminate your need for Ambien, it will not replace your lawyer. Used correctly, it can help steer you away from catastrophe and identify potential problems before they spiral out of control. Cyberlaw helps you spot the relevant issues and ask the right questions. Understanding at least the basic principles of online legal regulation vaults you ahead of your less informed competition and may even afford you a little more restful sleep, safe in the the knowledge you have an internet law desk reference at your side.

Brett Trout

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