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LexBlog Recognizes Lawpportunities

Kevin O’Keefe President and founder of LexBlog, the leading provider of marketing blogs to lawyers and other professional service firms has just recognized Lawpportunities in his most recent blog post as a unique opportunity for lawyers interested in entering the blogosphere. Kevin describes the upcoming November 10, 2006 Yblawg seminar as “[g]old for lawyers needing mandated CLE credits while learning something that can grow their business.”

Yblawg is indeed a great opportunity to find out why blogs are instrumental to your law practice and as well as how to get started on your own blog for free. Once you get a taste of law blogging, however, you will not want to stop. If you have something worth saying to prospective clients, do not let the medium slow you down. Once you are ready to move to the next level and REALLY boost your message over the blogosphere, check into a LexBlog package tailored specifically to your law practice. Even if you know little about blogging, LexBlog can answer your questions and get your message right to your most important prospective clients.

Brett Trout

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Posted in Internet Law.