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Outsourcing to Iowa

For the same reason you outsource anywhere (cost, availability, expertise) you would be well advised to investigate outsourcing your legal work to Des Moines, Iowa. All of these reasons are especially true when it comes to outsourcing your patent work. Des Moines patent attorneys have the same or better credentials than most attorneys in larger cities. Des Moines patent attorneys, however, typically have billing rates less than half of their big city counterparts.

Des Moines patent attorneys accept substantially lower billing rates in exchange for an improved quality of life. The same reasons that make Des Moines attractive to patent attorneys should make Des Moines patent attorneys attractive to you. Do you want your patent attorney concerned about maximizing profits, or orchestrating the “big” picture? Do you want your work shuffled off to a law clerk? Do you want your patent attorney buried behind a wall of office staff? Or do you want the senior patent attorney actually doing work, at a reasonable price?

If you are looking for top quality, low cost, accessible patent work, consider outsourcing to Iowa. You may find yourself pleasantly surprised.

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